Cognitive Wellness Tools
Group Programming
Adaptable, Evidence-Based & Impactful
Designed for assisted living and memory care with dignity in mind, this content challenges residents in 5 key areas of cognition to slow the progression of dementia.
Certification Training
Cognitive Coach Certification training is an online course that can be taken at your own pace.
Takes about 16 hours to complete and has been approved for CEUs by NCCAP, NCCDP and NCTRC. This certification never expires.
Activity Kit
19-piece kit full of manipulatives to engage residents.
Designed for use with assisted living and memory care residents one-on-one, in group format, or for families to engage with their loved ones during visits.
Designed for Assisted Living & Memory Care
Residents build cognitive resilience and receive psychosocial benefits to combat isolation. It can be used in a group format, one-on-one, or shared with family members to use with their loved ones during visits!
Would your community benefit from affordable, impactful, and fun programming that improves resident quality of life while making your job easier? Complete the form below to connect with us!